Learn touch typing using custom reading materials with Typr


Typr is a simple web-based typing tutor that lets you practice typing using your own material. It also provides live feedback on typing speed, and in the future will include detailed statistics and algorithmically-generated custom exercises.

The demo is currently hosted on a Heroku free-tier server which treats itself to a nap when there is no traffic and can take up to 30 seconds to wake up, so please be patient!

For those interested in the motivation and background of this project, I wrote about how I built (an earlier version of) this app and learned to type at 100 wpm in two weeks.

Introducing Typr

Typr is a simple typing tutor that lets you practice typing using material you actually want to read while providing instantaneous feedback and recording statistics. It is designed for people who already know the basics of touch typing but want to significantly increase their Words per Minute (WPM).

Few people use typing tutors (beyond the “which fingers do I use” stage) because:

  1. the content is boring and irrelevant, and
  2. exercises are too generic.

Typr addresses the first point by providing live-updated news headlines as typing material. The second point will be addressed in a future version.

User interface overview

Typing console

Track typing speed in real-time as you type:

Typing Console

News source selection

Import live headlines from over 80 English-language news sources:

News Source Selection

Post session breakdown

Review performance after typing daily headlines:

Post-Session Breakdown

Statistics summary

Track long-term progress by reviewing a breakdown of personal statistics:

Statistics Summary


Do you have any questions or feedback? Feel free to leave a comment below, or to reach out to me directly.